When you think of Chanel, you most likely think of the brand’s leather handbag collection. If you dig a little deeper into its shoe collection, ballet flats or slingbacks most likely come to mind. While these are all A+ options that I daydream about often, it’s the iconic designer’s sneaker collection that tends to grab my attention, I wear sneakers more than any other type of shoes, so it should seem like a solid purchase, but I’m a little hesitant.
My current most expensive pair of sneakers is a classic pair of white Nike Air Force 1s, so you can see why I’m a little reluctant on adding an over-$500 pair to my cart. But when I see a pair of Chanel sneakers, I almost always end up convincing myself to make the splurge. Can you blame me? The way they mix the iconic double-C logo with modern streetwear design is any fashion girl’s dream.
If you’re looking to give yourself a little luxury love and purchase or simply just want to see some designer eye candy, look no further than the sneakers below.
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