It’s not every day that you get the opportunity to test-drive a luxury item before purchasing it, but that’s exactly what I had the chance to do. When luxury subscription service Vivrelle reached out about styling a handful of designer bags from its collection, I jumped at the opportunity. The closet features a mind-blowing selection of designer bags, from Chanel to Bottega Veneta, and an impressive assortment of fine jewelry that would have any fashion person’s jaw on the floor (just speaking from experience here).
Choosing between buzzy It bags that have already risen to cult status on the fashion scene and timeless favorites that won’t be going out of style anytime soon, I picked up five cool designer purses from Virelle’s closet to try out, style, and lend my review to. Ahead, see the designer-handbag outfits I put together with pieces such as Balenciaga’s of-the-moment Le Cagole and a Y2K Dior favorite.