How Manly Are You, According To Ron Swanson?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. I built some Ikea furniture once

    1. Crew, high & tight, or buzz cut

    2. Anything else

    1. 6”

    2. < 6”

    3. > 6”

    1. Skim

    2. Anything else

    1. Food

    2. Sport

    3. Both

    1. Two seconds

    2. Three seconds

    3. Four seconds

    4. As long as it takes to establish dominance

    1. Yeah, tons

    2. Only during the first 15 minutes of Up

    3. Only at a funeral and/or the Grand Canyon

    1. Yes

    2. No, I like to cultivate a manly musk

    1. 1–3

    2. 4–7

    3. More than 7

How Manly Are You, According To Ron Swanson?

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