When approaching a baby dilophosaurus, keep your hood up.
Jurassic Park is a ’90s classic, and everyone who disagrees can eat triceratops poop.
Well, Redditor magecatwitharrows seems to have it figured out. At first, the lil’ dino is curious about Nedry and very docile.
BUT! What’s the very first thing Nedry does when he sees the dino? He puts his hood up!
According to magecatwitharrows’ theory, the appearance of the hood might have made the dilophosaurus think that perhaps Nedry was ALSO a dilophosaurus of some kind, because of the big hood.
Nedry was even able to throw a stick — kind of an aggressive gesture — without being attacked.
But when Nedry falls down at the top of the hill, his hood is off!
At this point, the dilophosaurus probably recognizes that Ned is human, and is therefore dinner.
The rest, as they say, is history.