Hello, the title of this post is about everyone who dies in Avengers: Infinity War, so if you don’t wanna know everyone who dies in Avengers: Infinity War, do not read this article.
OK, by now you’re still reeling from the end of Avengers: Infinity War, the movie in which a ton of our faves literally bite the dust and disintegrate into nothing after Thanos kills half the universe’s population.
Heimdall: Dead
Cause of death: Stabbed by Thanos
Will he be back? Probably not. He’s a huge fan favorite, his unexpected death packed quite a punch, and they can’t bring everyone back in Avengers 4 or the stakes will feel too low. His death makes sense timing-wise — Asgard was destroyed in Thor: Ragnarok, Thor can dimension-hop with his Huge Fuck-All Magical Axe, and his ending was appropriately selfless and tragic. Plus, you know Idris has got bigger fish to fry outside of this small supporting role.
Loki: Dead
Cause of death: Choked to death by Thanos
Will he be back? Hopefully not — and I say this as a true Loki stan. He’s already fake-died multiple times, and Thor’s Infinity War joke about him having “died” so many times, but this time being real, felt like a pretty solid confirmation that Loki is finally actually gone. He’s been the only longterm villain in the Marvel franchise, and with Thanos returning for the next Avengers movie, it feels like it’s time to pass the torch. Plus, it’s pretty on-brand for his final words to be, “You will never be a god.” Such a drama queen. However, Hiddelston reportedly has a six film contract (and this is his 5th appearance) with Marvel, so…you never know.
Gamora: Dead
Cause of death: Tragically thrown off a cliff by Thanos to gain control of the Soul Stone
Will she be back? Hopefully yes, but this is a tough one to predict. She’s the fiercest warrior in the galaxy, the first woman Guardian, and SHE DESERVED BETTER. But also — hear me out — it might help the third Guardians movie if she stayed dead for a while. If she’s still dead by the end of 2019’s Avengers 4, it could lend the third Guardians movie in 2020 a breath of fresh air and a new mission: Bring Gamora back. Obviously no one wants her to suffer the fate of being fridged just to give her shitty dad and immature boyfriend motivation, so they should bring her back — just maybe not in Avengers 4. If the Time Stone brings back everyone who was killed in Thanos’s mass murder, maybe the Soul Stone can bring her back.
Vision: Dead
Cause of death: Brain/life source/Mind Stone ripped out by Thanos
Will he be back? Yes. But probably not in the way we expect. Vision wanted the Mind Stone destroyed to prevent Thanos from getting it, and in one version of reality, he died for that cause. It’s highly unlikely the Avengers will do anything other than destroy the stones once they get them back from Thanos, which will reset the entire franchise and give us a fresh start. Shuri was able to copy some of Vision’s synthetic mind before he was killed in Infinity War, so chances are we’re going to get some humanoid version of Vision in a future movie, and it’ll be thanks to everyone’s favorite Wakandan tech genius.
Bucky Barnes, aka The Winter Soldier: Dead
Cause of death: Turned to dust when Thanos killed half the universe’s population
Will he be back? Yes. There’s still a high chance Cap will die at some point soon, maybe in Avengers 4, and who’s going to take up his shield if not Bucky? He’s the Captain America heir apparent and the ultimate fan favorite. He’ll be back. Plus, it seems likely that if they do use the Time Stone to reverse this single mass murder in Avengers 4, everyone who disintegrated will be saved.
Groot: Dead
Cause of death: Turned to dust when Thanos killed half the universe’s population
Will he be back? Yes. Groot died once and I will be goddamned if he dies again, goddammit. He’ll definitely be back for the third Guardians movie in 2020. And again, he’s part of the group they’ll likely save in Avengers 4 with the Time Stone.
T’Challa, aka Black Panther: Dead
Cause of death: Turned to dust when Thanos killed half the universe’s population
Will he be back? Absolutely. This was one of the hardest Avengers deaths to stomach. When it happened, a woman in the theater I was in legitimately screamed. However, there is no way in hell T’Challa is staying dead. Black Panther made over 1 billion dollars, people. We’re getting a sequel — and even if that sequel takes place before the events of Avengers 4, the King will ultimately return to keep the Black Panther franchise alive for many more movies.
Sam Wilson, aka Falcon: Dead
Cause of death: Turned to dust when Thanos killed half the universe’s population
Will he be back? Yes. We’ve barely seen Falcon in action, and Steve Rogers has so few friends, it just seems cruel to rob him of both Bucky and Sam.
Wanda Maximoff, aka Scarlet Witch: Dead
Cause of death: Turned to dust when Thanos killed half the universe’s population
Will he be back? Yes. Even though she was clearly relieved and happy to die, we’ve barely explored Wanda’s potential, and she deserves a huge part in the reported Black Widow movie, if not a movie of her own. Every time she uses her powers she’s pretty much unstoppable, but she’s clearly still learning. She and Vision have a strong romantic storyline going, and that’ll likely be explored more if/when he comes back as humanoid Vision. Plus, with Loki dead, we need one low-key goth to stick around.
Mantis: Dead
Cause of death: Turned to dust when Thanos killed half the universe’s population
Will he be back? Yes. Mantis was just introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, so it’s unlikely they’d kill her off so soon. Plus, with Gamora gone, they’ll need at least one woman in the Guardians crew.
Drax: Dead
Cause of death: Turned to dust when Thanos killed half the universe’s population
Will he be back? Yes. Because who the fuck else is going to serve us the driest and weirdest one-liners?
Peter Quill, aka Starlord: Dead
Cause of death: Turned to dust when Thanos killed half the universe’s population
Will he be back? Yes. Otherwise that would just be really fucking weird because how can you have a Guardians of the Galaxy 3 without Starlord? Oh right, you can’t.
Doctor Stephen Strange: Dead
Cause of death: Turned to dust when Thanos killed half the universe’s population
Will he be back? Yes. As mentioned, the Time Stone is CLEARLY going to be the MacGuffin that drives the plot for Avengers 4 and the person most closely tied to that stone is Strange himself. More than likely he’ll get help from Wong (who’s still just hangin’ out at the New York Sanctum?). He told Tony this was “the only way,” likely meaning that of all the 14 million outcomes he foresaw, this is the only one that ends with them ultimately defeating Thanos.
Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man: Dead
Cause of death: Turned to dust when Thanos killed half the universe’s population
Will he be back? Absolutely. Spider-Man: Homecoming was a huge success, and Spider-Man 2 is slated for a 2019 release — right after Avengers 4. So, yes, Peter will definitely be back, but wow was it hard to watch him call Tony “sir” and then die in his arms.
Nick Fury: Dead
Cause of death: Turned to dust when Thanos killed half the universe’s population
Will he be back? Yes. Like Loki, Nick Fury has “died” before. Unlike Loki, the only person who can kill Nick Fury is Nick Fury.
Maria Hill: Dead
Cause of death: Turned to dust when Thanos killed half the universe’s population
Will he be back? Yes. She’s one of Marvel’s most under-utilized characters, and if she doesn’t get a meaty role in the reported upcoming Black Widow solo movie, we should all collectively riot.
The Collector: Unknown
Cause of death: He’s probably alive.
Will he be back? Probably. He’s the biggest weirdo in the galaxy, and he seems to be able to survive anything. Though we know Thanos did get the Reality Stone from him, we didn’t see him die.
Hawkeye: Unknown
Cause of death: He’s probably alive.
Will he be back? Yes. Even though he’s playing a smaller and smaller role in the MCU, there’s no way he’d just die off-screen and we’d never see him again. My guess is he and Ant-Man will both play central roles in Avengers 4.
Ant-Man: Unknown
Cause of death: He’s probably alive.
Will he be back? Yes. Paul Rudd is a gem and they’re not going to kill him off after just two solo movies.
Tony Stark, aka Ironman: Gravely injured but alive
Cause of death: He’s still alive, but Thanos stabbed him right through the mid-section so he’s not doing too hot.
Will he be back? Of course, but maybe not for long. Tony is Ironman now, and no amount of civilian downtime or walks in the park or wedding planning with Pepper is going to make him Just Tony Stark again. He’s never going to take the suit off. He and Captain America will have to reunite and reconcile for Avengers 4, then somehow use the Time Stone to fix this whole mess, but there’s a slim chance they both make it out alive. One of the central Avengers pillars will likely have to fall in order to bring back (mostly) everyone who died in Infinity War, or the stakes won’t feel real in any Marvel movie going forward. The only real question is who will survive, and who won’t.