The house on 21 Tepeji street, where Cleo (Yalitza Aparicio) lives and works, is in the Roma Sur neighborhood of Mexico City.
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This is the family house and the setting of an important part of the story. Currently, it is a private residence in Mexico City.
Kínder Condesa is the school where Paco (Carlos Peralta) studies, it’s in the same neighborhood and just a few blocks away from the house.
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In the movie, Cleo walks the smallest child of the family to school every day. The school is on Tlaxcala street and has been open for over 70 years.
The street where Cleo is almost run over is in Tabacalera, another neighborhood in Mexico City.
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On one of their free days, Cleo and Adela (Nancy García) run around the streets and by a hardware store. In real life, that store is called Jos-Jor.
In the movie, La Casa del Pavo is Cleo and Adela’s favorite restaurant — and it’s a real restaurant in the Historic Center that has been open for more than 100 years.
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This is the restaurant in the movie where the two girls meet their boyfriends. The restaurant itself first opened in 1901, and to this day it’s famous for their turkey sandwiches.
The Teatro Metropólitan is the theater where many of Cleo and Fermín’s dates take place.
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In the movie, Cleo and Fermín go there to enjoy some movies in English. Since the theater opened in 1943, hundreds of movies, plays and concerts have been showcased on its stage.
The workplace of Antonio (Fernando Grediaga), father of the kids and husband of Sofía (Marina de Tavira), is the Siglo XXI Hospital.
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Here is where Cleo is treated throughout her pregnancy. The hospital itself opened in 1961 and was named “Centro Médico Nacional del IMSS.” After it was damaged in the earthquake of 1985, the hospital was rebuilt and given its current name.
The Las Américas movie theater is the place where Cleo and grandma Tere (Verónica García) take the kids to have fun.
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It opened in 1952 and housed cinema rooms, offices and retail space. In 2013, the theater became the Auditorio Blackberry, a venue in the Condesa neighborhood where mainly concerts are held.
Right outside the Metro Normal is where the scene where “Los Halcones” repress a peaceful student demonstration happens.
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Here is where one of the most violent scenes of the movie takes place. This scene recreates a historic event that happened in 1971, when a paramilitary group infiltrated a peaceful protest by students in support of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León and attacked them.
The furniture shop where Cleo and grandma Tere buy the cradle for the babe is actually a gym in front of the station.
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And that, of course, is the scene where we see Cleo in one of the hardest moments of the movie.
And finally, the scene set in Port of Veracruz, where Sofía takes her children and Cleo, was actually shot in the Mexican state of Tabasco.
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In the movie, the characters travel to Tuxpan, Veracruz, and it’s there that Sofía explains to the kids that their life is about to change. In actuality, this scene was shot in the town of Puerto Ceiba, which is in the state of Tabasco, not Veracruz.
This post was translated from Spanish.