The couple will also be attending the March for Our Lives demonstration in Washington, DC.
“My message for the people in office is: You’re either with us or against us. We are losing our lives while the adults are playing around,” Cameron Kasky, a junior at the high school, said on CNN.
CNN / Twitter / Via Twitter: @CNNPolitics
And now, George and Amal Clooney have pledged to donate $500,000 to the cause and said they will be attending the march.
Filippo Monteforte / AFP / Getty Images
“Amal and I are so inspired by the courage and eloquence of these young men and women from Stoneman Douglas High School,” George Clooney said in a statement to BuzzFeed News.
Alberto Pizzoli / AFP / Getty Images
“Our family will be there on March 24 to stand side by side with this incredible generation of young people from all over the country, and in the name of our children Ella and Alexander, we’re donating 500,000 dollars to help pay for this groundbreaking event. Our children’s lives depend on it.”
Kevin Winter / Getty Images
LINK: Here’s What It’s Like At The Headquarters Of The Teens Working To Stop Mass Shootings