Former RHOC star Kelly Dodd is dragging Heather Dubrow for her opinion in the new book, “Housewives” book, “Not All Diamonds and Rosé.”
The book was released this month.
Heather was not nice about Kelly. In the book, Dubrow says, “Kelly talks about Black people, she talks about ISIS, she talks about Jews — I don’t understand why she’s Teflon?”
“I have a real problem with Heather Dubrow commenting on seasons that, I didn’t film with her for four years, and she’s commenting on bull crap,” Kelly said on Instagram.
“She claimed she never watched the show after she left so is she lying? Why would she be talking trash about me for things she says I did during seasons she wasn’t involved in and allegedly never saw?”
“They clearly try to make her look good and me look bad. Why are they letting her comment on seasons she was not even on?” Kelly said.