A Forensic expert has claimed that Tiger Woods may have fallen asleep behind the wheel ahead of his horrific car crash earlier this month.
“To me, this is like a classic case of falling asleep behind the wheel, because the road curves and his vehicle goes straight,” Jonathan Cherney, a consultant who serves as an expert witness in court cases, said per OK! Magazine.
“It’s a drift off the road, almost like he was either unconscious, suffering from a medical episode or fell asleep and didn’t wake up until he was off the road and that’s where the brake application came in.”
If true, it would not be the first time Tiger was caught sleeping behind the wheel.
In 2017, Woods was found asleep at the wheel in Floridawith Vicodin, Dilaudid, Xanax, Ambien and THC in his system. But the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department said they “they did not see any evidence of impairment” following the 2021 crash.