Floyd Mayweather visited the Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast, where he touched on allegations that he has physically abused former partners.
He did not make an outright denial.
“As I accomplished more and kept accomplishing things, you’d start seeing different things like ‘oh, he’s a wife-beater’ or ‘he’s not that smart’… you hear so many different things. And I just felt like, okay, you’re entitled to believe whatever you wanna believe. But I had to have some type of common sense, some type of smarts, some type of intelligence, to be where I’m at,” he told hosts Gillie Da Kid and Wallo.
He served two months of a three-month sentence in prison in 2012 after attacking his ex, Josie Harris in 2010. Josie wrote in her book that while she was still sleeping, dragged her around the room of her home in Las Vegas “like a rag doll.”
She says he then punched her several times in the head, screaming: “I’ll f*cking kill you”. She detailed several other incidents in the book.