Five Fascinating Lessons from ‘Horizon’s’ Sluggish Start

Kevin Costner isn’t a gambler by trade, but he went all in with “Horizon.”

The “Yellowstone” alum sunk millions into a film he directed, co-wrote and co-starred in. He even dubbed the oater “An American Saga.”

Audiences begged to differ.

The film hauled in just $11 million in its opening frame, casting a chill over plans to produce a third and fourth film in the saga. The second installment is already in the proverbial can and opens next month.

The final installments? We’ll have to wait and see.

The lessons tied to the film are both cruel and instructive.

Movie Stars Don’t Move the Needle

Costner recharged his star power with “Yellowstone,” the cable sensation that spawned a western universe. He didn’t technically need the boost, at least on paper. Few can rival Costner’s Hollywood resume, from popcorn fare (“The Bodyguard,” “Man of Steel”) to unabashed classics (“Bull Durham,” “Field of Dreams,” “The Untouchables”).

That impressive resume couldn’t rally fans to his side.

Famous faces no longer guarantee box-office success. Superstars like Brad Pitt, Tom Hanks, Will Smith and Angelina Jolie have learned that lesson the hard way.

Counter-programming Is Even Riskier in Summer

“Horizon” offers something different for movie goers. No splashy CGI or beloved IP tie-ins. It’s a long meditation on the western genre, a story that promises three more films to complete its arc.

Some counter-programming moves soar beyond anyone’s expectations. The buoyant musical “Once” ran in indie theaters all summer long back in 2007, powered by impressive word of mouth.

Last year, “Sound of Freedom” shocked, well, everyone by earning $180 million stateside despite its heavy subject matter.

Counter programming can work, but it’s as risky as sinking millions from your own coffers into a four-part western.

Audiences Are More Discerning than Ever

Movie lovers have come back to the cineplex following the pandemic, but they’re not supporting any ol’ film. Crowds are increasingly selective about the movies they line up to see. That’s left populist titles like “The Fall Guy” and “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga” scrambling to make a profit this summer.

“Horizon” earned brutal reviews out of the Cannes Film Festival, signaling to many they’re better off waiting for the film to hit VOD cyber-shelves.

Had critics rallied behind “Horizon,” it could have coaxed some curiosity seekers to give it a try. As is, the film’s 42 percent “rotten” rating, plus the young demographic’s western wariness, sunk the film’s opening weekend.

Don’t ignore Red State America gleefully noted the film did better in the Heartland than in urban centers. That’s to be expected, given Costner’s fan base and the genre in play.

So why didn’t Costner court conservative media?

This reporter requested a phone with the superstar with The Blaze with no success. He worked the media aggressively in recent weeks, even appearing on “The View.” He didn’t chat with Dan Bongino, Ben Shapiro or other right-leaning heavyweights.

Costner May Have the Last Laugh

The superstar may never get a return on his investment, but he’s made an original, engrossing film that reminds us why audiences will never tire of the western.

The film may have legs at the box office, especially given how radically different it is given the usual summer competition.

Or not.

The actor has been dreaming about “Horizon” for decades. Now, given his extreme wealth, connections and talent, it’s playing at a theater near you.

We don’t know if he’ll gather the resources to complete the saga as envisioned, but it’s rare for an artist to risk so much and share that vision with the world.

It’s exactly what Costner did, and he can rest easily knowing he did it on his terms.

The post Five Fascinating Lessons from ‘Horizon’s’ Sluggish Start appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.