Professor Michael Eric Dyson quietly left Georgetown University this year, to take a position at Vanderbilt University. Well MTO News has learned that before he left a young student accused the college professor of inappropriate conduct.

MTO News learned that Georgetown University conducted an investigation into Professor Michael Eric Dyson beginning in February 2020 for allegations of harassment and repeated attempts to establish an off-campus relationship with a female student who was in one of his Georgetown classes…
According to Georgetown’s Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action (IDEAA) , they began a formal investigation into Dyson’s conduct after the student and members of the Black Survivors’ Coalition (BSC) raised instances of harassment and inappropriate interactions with students. The allegations against Dyson’s inappropriate conduct with female students – according to the BSC – go back to the 2000s…
Here’s a video of the BSC protesting Professor Dyson:
The student alleged repeated private dinner invitations off campus, personal text messages, and incidents of unwanted physical touch and proximity…
According to the young woman, she offered to meet Dyson during office hours instead, according to the student, Michael insisted on private conversations outside an academic setting.
At the conclusion of the investigation, Georgetown University informed its student body that Michael Eric Dyson would not be teaching during the 2020 Fall semester. It’s not clear whether the University did anything to Michael – or whether he just decided to move on to Vanderbilt on his own.