Family Dollar Manager BEATS & STABS Shoplifter – Livestreamed Over IG Live!!

A man accused of shoplifting was stabbed multiple times at a Family Dollar store in Florida, MTO News has learned. And video of the alleged shoplifter being beaten and stabbed by the store’s manager is circulating across social media.

The video starts with the manager of the north Florida store tussling with a man whom she alleges was attempting to shoplift. The man is trying to leave the store, and the female manager is trying to hold him, until police arrive.

In the video the manager first tries to subdue the suspect by beating him with a giant metal pole,

When that doesn’t work, the manager appears to pull a knife and start stabbing and slashing the man. The man is seen begging for his life in the video.

Bystanders try to convince the manager to let the man go, but she appears relentless, telling the man, “I don’t give a f**k about your life.”

The video cut off, and it’s not clear what happened next. MTO News reached out to the local police for comment – but so far we have not received a response.


Family Dollar Manager BEATS & STABS Shoplifter – Livestreamed Over IG Live!! (; 1:00)