To me, you are creepy.
There are a few things that are certain in life: Death, taxes, and the fact that this guy from Love Actually is a total creep and terrible friend…
Universal Pictures
Holy crap! I get to ask this question to the writer/director of Love Actually! I’ve wanted to ask this for years! Do you think the scene where Mark holds up signs professing his love to the wife of his best friend was a good idea? And if so, how can you defend that?
Via reddit.com
It turns out that Curtis admits the scene hasn’t necessarily aged well for him. He said, “I feel stranger about it as the years go by.”
Universal Pictures
In the little remake we’ve made — I just decided to use the scene as an intro to the little film — rather than something happening to the real characters.
Via Universal Pictures
I just feel a little better knowing that he feels weird about the whole thing because it certainly hasn’t aged well, and now I’ll just resume watching Hugh Grant do this little dance on repeat in peace.
Universal Pictures