TV host Chris Cuomo is facing backlash for telling Don Lemon that he’s “Black on the inside.”
Chris, who is the brother of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, was singing the theme song to the 1970s TV show “Good Times. CNN host Lemon then asked Chris how he knew the lyrics to the sitcom’s opening tune, he responded: “You know I’m Black on the inside.”
Twitter immediately began to call Chris out for his blunder — he then responded via Twitter:
“Said with all respect to reality and our need to fight this amplification of color animus. there is no understanding what it is to live as a black person in america if you are white but it is so important to listen. The majority must change racism,” he wrote.
Was he wrong for saying he’s “Black on the inside,” or is social media taking this too far?
Let us know in the comments section.