Carolla Slams VP Harris on Biden’s Decline: ‘Stupid or Liar’

The best comedians break down life into bite-sized pieces.

Remember when Dave Chappelle summed up San Francisco’s blight with one profane line?

“Y’all [N-words] need a Batman!”

Now, it’s Adam Carolla’s turn.

The podcasting giant delivers the news in ways you won’t find in corporate media.

Smart. Sane. Sobering. True.

He’s been debunking pandemic narratives for four-plus years and calling out media bias 24/7. It’s why his voice matters in the public arena.

Now, he’s turning his attention to Vice President Kamala Harris. The Democrat is her party’s presidential nominee after it collectively pushed out President Joe Biden.

We all know why, even if the corrupt press won’t come out and say it. The 81-year-old is suffering from an undisclosed, age-related issue impacting his cognitive function.

We all saw it during the June 27 presidential debate, a moment which sealed his fate as a one-term leader.

Harris saw it, too. Up close. Day after day. Week after week. The average American watched Biden’s decline through news clips and viral videos. 

She did, too. Except she covered it up for three-plus years.

Earlier this week, here’s how she responded to CNN’s Dana Bash when asked if she regretted defending Biden. The obvious subtext? The aged leader is unwell, which is why he cannot run for a second term.

Harris’ response: Zero regrets.

“I have served with President Biden for almost four years now … he cares so deeply about the American people. He is so smart and loyal to the American people, and I have spent hours upon hours with him be it in the Oval Office or the Situation Room. He has the intelligence, commitment and judgment and disposition that the American people rightly deserve in their president.”

Carolla’s reaction? “Stupid or liar.”

It’s a common Carolla quip aimed at duplicitous leaders. The meaning is simple. Either said politico is so dumb they don’t grasp something basic or they would rather lie than tell us the truth.

Either way is damning. And, sadly, it’s a quip he uses often in today’s culture.

It’s up to Americans to decide if Harris missed all the cues we saw regarding Biden or she’s been lying to voters for nearly four years.

The post Carolla Slams VP Harris on Biden’s Decline: ‘Stupid or Liar’ appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.