Can You Turn Yourself From Loser To Prom Queen In Just Six Weeks?
The whole school impressed with your resilience and bad-assitude over the last few weeks, and they rewarded you by voting you Prom Queen! Plus, Zack embarrasses himself by making a heartfelt apology in front of EVERYBODY, so you accept his apology and dance with that hunk for the rest of the night.

You won prom queen and didn’t end up with the guy—and you know what? That’s actually preferable, because Zack was a jerk and you’re way more awesome than everyone at your high school. Plus, now you’re only a couple of months away from college, where you’ll meet way cooler people.

The vote was close, but ultimately Mackenzie came away with the crown. But that’s okay, because you know that in the scheme of things, Prom Queen doesn’t matter as much as staying true to yourself. And, even better, Zack shows up to your house later to genuinely apologize and make out with you! He’s not such a bad dude after all.

You lost the crown, but you stayed true to yourself and didn’t buy into all that “popularity” nonsense. And you managed to channel your feelings into your art, which your art teacher noticed and appreciated. Now you’re getting a full scholarship to your first choice school! Suck it, Zack