A 23 year old Brooklyn, Ricardo Price, is facing murder charges in the death of 4 month old Royalty Kemp, MTO News has learned. The tiny princess’ death has been ruled a homicide caused by abusive head trauma by the city medical examiner.

Ricardo was baby-sitting the newborn in the Bedford-Stuyvesant apartment he shares with another girlfriend when the fatal incident occurred on June 21, according to Royalty’s mom Eryca Kemp.

Erykah left her daughter at the apartment with her gamer boyfriend in the afternoon of June 21st to run an errand. When she returned, at around 11;00 pm, the infant was already in bed.
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After checking on the baby early the next morning Kemp tried to rouse her about 10:30 a.m., alarmed she hadn’t woken up yet, and found the child “looked lifeless.” She called paramedics who were unable to revive the baby.

Royalty was pronounced dead on July 1st.
Here’s how local reports say it all happened:
“He took an innocent child’s life for absolutely no reason,” said [Erykah] Kemp, 24, who met Price through a dating site this past November. “The only reason he gave [police] was that she wouldn’t stop crying. … He also asked me for forgiveness. I told him, ‘I don’t know how to do that, honestly.’”
The report also added:
[Erykah] Kemp, of South Brunswick, N.J., said she was told by police that Price — who works as a security guard — threw the crying child against a wall and banged a video game controller against the helpless baby’s head.