Boosie Badazz is claiming he has lost his ID, and wants to borrow a car from somebody.
He is currently on a trip in Florida.
“I lost my identification,” he says. “I can’t get a f*ckin rental car. I’m in Orlando.”
The rapper continued: “I need to borrow somebody car. I need your sh*t for two days. I’mma cash you out $700, I gotta smoke in your sh*t, but I need your car man. If you gotta van, me and my kids need your car.” Boosie added that he could get a driver, but no one will let him “smoke in they sh*t,” he said.
“I need somebody bring me they truck and let me get that for two days. I lost my ID man, I just got to the rental car place. I’m going through it, man. Let me get your sh*t.”
Somebody came through for the rapper. Would y’all have let Boosie rent your car?