The stepdad of Blueface was brutally attacked when four men attempted to rob the rapper’s home.
Police say that on Oct. 11, a group of four men broke through the back sliding glass door of the home to enter.
“The mom and stepdad came down, saw glass all over the place, made eye contact with the suspects and they ran away,” said Sgt. Brian Shreves of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station. “And they called the cops, cops came and took a report.”
Hours later, the stepdad heard noises coming from downstairs and saw four men in the house and shouted at them to “get out,” according to Shreves.
“They all began to run … to leave, the stepdad tried to grab one of them by the arm, slipped and fell on the rug. While he’s on his back, the suspect stood above him, kicked him in the face once, causing a laceration to his head.” He later received medical attention and was treated for a concussion. Blueface’s stepdad also received 10 stitches near his left eye.
The two of the men stood over him and pointed semi-automatic handguns at him before another told him to “get back old man.” His tepdad then tried to get up and the men fled the scene.