Black Twitter Erupts After White NFL Player Arrested For BEATING Black GF! (Pics)

Seattle Seahawks player Chad Wheeler, who is Caucasian, was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence after police say that he beat his girlfriend to a bloody pulp.

And MTO News has learned that Black Twitter is going CRAZY over news of the arrest. 

Chad was arrested Saturday night and charged with felony domestic violence, according to the Seattle Times. He spent the weekend in jail, and was finally released from King County Jail on Tuesday morning on $400,000 bond.

MTO News learned that Seattle police responded to a call late Saturday night from a frantic woman who said she was locked in a bathroom following a “physical fight with her boyfriend.”

When police arrived on the scene, they found an African woman badly beaten – the woman suffering from a dislocated arm, and other injuries.

The victim also told police that Chad strangled her until she lost consciousness.

A friend of the offensive lineman’s girlfriend shared a photo of her horrific injuries in a post online on Tuesday. She said Wheeler continued to eat dinner while his girlfriend lay motionless on the floor. She has since deleted the post, but not before it was picked up by Black Twitter and shared thousands on times.

The Seahawks released a statement Monday night, saying the team is “Aware of the situation and still gathering information.”