Bill Maher started his “Club Random” podcast with a set goal.
Less politics. More conversation.
The HBO star talks politics nonstop on his “Real Time” showcase. So his podcast, as pitched to the public, would avoid Beltway broadsides.
Mission: Not So Accomplished. He’s invited a galaxy of stars onto his podcast set, many of whom disagree sharply with his progressive world view. Kudos to being an open-minded host.
The conversations of late keep going back to politics. His chat with actor Jon Cryer proved a cringe-worthy example.
Cryer is on the far-Left, while Maher is progressive but open to critiquing his own side. That meant the pair were due for a clash when Cryer joined Sunday’s episode.
That’s exactly what happened.
The uncomfortable exchange found both host and guest scrambling to segue from controversial topics without luck. It also revealed Cryer’s less admirable opinions on women’s rights and American voters.
Maher quickly pressed Cryer on the recent election results, noting how immigration proved problematic for the Democratic cause.
“I told you and I told you and I told you, and I lost fans for it, lots of the super woke, but I think I had it right. That kind of stuff is what lost the election for the Democrats.”
Cryer disagreed, saying Democrats actually moved away from woke positions during the presidential campaign. The “Two and a Half Men” alum cited inflation as why his party lost on Nov. 5. He didn’t stop there.
“Americans hate inflation. They hate inflation, they hate riots, and they hate Black women, and they hate trans people.”
That didn’t sit well with Maher.
“Oh, god, Jon. Oh, yeah, we shouldn’t talk politics.”
“We shouldn’t. Great. We don’t have to,” Cryer said.
They couldn’t stop, though.
At one point Cryer refused to judge cultures that keep women covered from head to toe, which left Maher aghast.
The conversation proved illuminating if awkward. It’s likely Cryer rarely faces public pushback on his hard-Left views. Maher, usually a gracious host, should have pivoted earlier from the political banter he stirred up from the jump.
It didn’t require much research to know Cryer’s political leanings would lead to an uncomfortable dialogue. That’s exactly what happened.
The post Bill Maher Bursts Jon Cryer’s Progressive Bubble appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.