Bill Cosby Accuser Blasts His Early Prison Release

Andrea Constand has blasted the system for letting Bill Cosby walk free from prison.

“I was really shocked. I was really shocked — disappointed,” she said on the Today Show.

Cosby’s sexual assault conviction was overturned by Pennsylvania’s highest court in June. She accused the celebrity of drugging and sexually assaulting her. He was convicted for the assault.

“How can a district attorney enforce a decision on a backroom handshake. How could you give any credibility to that? I’ve come way too far to go back to that place to wonder if it’s all worth it or have regrets. It was worth it. But it was worth it because I didn’t feel alone. I had a whole community, a whole army of women and other survivors. Strangers, family, friends who were right there with me.”


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She added: “Bill Cosby walks free. But it doesn’t change the fact that my testimony was believed.”