A 34-year-old mother of three from Biloxi, Mississippi died from complications of Mommy Makeover plastic surgery in Mexico, MTO News has learned. Her husband is now left to take care of the family’s three kids.

Markita McIntyre died on May 6 in Tijuana, Mexico, while undergoing an aggressive series of plastic surgery operations, designed to make her look like the models on Instagram. Markita was getting sleeve gastrectomy surgery, a procedure in which a large percentage of the stomach is removed to limit food consumption.
She was also getting liposuction and butt enhancements, MTO News has confirmed.

According to local news outlet WLOX, Markita became unresponsive during surgery and had died.
It’s the latest example of why “medical tourism” — or traveling to another country for medical procedures — can be dangerous. In January, one woman died and two others were hospitalized in Tijuana while undergoing plastic surgery.
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In 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a warning about health dangers that can stem from undergoing plastic surgery in Mexico, which is often cheaper than in the United States. The warning came after 11 Americans were left with antibiotic-resistant infections, according to NBC Los Angeles, most of which were from weight-loss surgeries.
McIntyre’s family and friends have created a GoFundMe to help support her mother and children: a daughter, Serenity, and two sons, KJ and Deshawn. The fundraiser has raised more than $8,000.