Atlanta Airplane ‘Overrun’ w/ Black Women Returning From Butt Surgery!! (Vid)

An airplane flying from the Dominican Republic to Atlanta was “overrun” by women returning from the country after getting cheap butt surgery in the Caribbean nation, MTO News has learned.

A viral video has been posted online showing nearly 2 dozen women in wheelchairs lined up in the Santa Domingo airport – all boarding a single aircraft heading to Atlanta.

Because of the number of infirmed passengers – it took nearly 2 hours to board the aircraft.


Atlanta Airplane Overrun w: Women Returning From Butt Surgery Overseas (; 0:19)

All 24 of the women in wheelchairs were flying back after getting some form of surgical operation in the Caribbean nation, most of them BBLs (or Brazilian Butt Lifts).

The Dominican Republic is quickly becoming the go-to place to get a Brazilian Butt lift. First off, it’s way cheaper than in the United States. There some doctors are offering a tummy tuck and BBL surgery for as little at $2,000.

Second, MTO News confirmed that doctors in the DR are way more aggressive with the type of procedures that they will do. You can also find a doctor in DR who will do every single surgery you need…in one visit! You can get your breasts done, a tummy tuck, lipo, and a BBL during an 8-hour surgery. ​

But there is a drawback to getting a BBL done in the D.R. . . . the BODY COUNT. According to online reports, doctors in the Dominican Republic are more likely to kill patients during plastic surgery than in any other country in the Western Hemisphere.