A man from Mobile Alabama is facing possible kidnapping and assault charges, after a video leaked – showing the man verbally abusing his girlfriend. And MTO News learned that the man tried to convince the woman’s 3 year old son to MURDER HER on Livestream.

The video is extremely disturbing – and has been making its way across social media. As of this morning, the video had been viewed more than 100,000 times.
In the video, which MTO News posted below, the abusive man can be heard berating his girlfriend in front of their two toddler children. The man accuses the woman of sleeping with her friends, and “calling the law” on him for no reason.
Then he tries to get the couple’s toddler son, to help murder his own mom. He asks the toddler son to put a plastic bag over his mothers head – and explains that he plans to duct tape the bag to her head – causing her to asphyxiate.
The woman in the video is badly injured – her face is bruised up and she has difficulty breathing.
At one point, the man orders his girlfriend to stand up – and her leg is clearly damaged. The man claimed that she was recently shot in the leg.
MTO News forwarded the video to police in Mobile, AL and requested comment. So fare, we have not received a response.
Here is the video: