Ace Hood’s baby mama has clapped back after the rapper accused her of not letting him see their children on father’s day.
“The reason I do not have my children today is because the mother of my children wants her story to be right,” said Ace Hood last Sunday. “Which means her story in her mind is that I am not a good father, my children don’t want to spend time with me… I don’t support the kids. Also, I’m never there for the children, so that’s her story in her mind and she wants to tear me down as a person.”
She says that in court, he told the judge he only had $2,500 — but Shanice says she knows different.
“We reported it so now he has to pay me what he owes me and he’s mad. I let you go two years without doing anything so what are you talking about? Make it make sense. And y’all can look up the PPP loan. Y’all know it’s public records. Ace Hood Touring. Go look it up, he got $144K. I’m trying to figure out how he got that much when he don’t got no employees,’ she claims.
Several rappers have faced legal action after taking out PPP loans. Did Shanice just st the feds on him.