A shooting took place early Wednesday morning near the National Security Agency, one of the US’s primary intelligence agencies that’s located on the Army’s Fort Meade campus, several news outlets are reporting.
According to the Associated Press, a black SUV was stopped at the barriers in front of the NSA’s headquarters in Maryland and one suspect is being held.
A Forte Meade spokesperson, Cheryl Phillips, confirmed to the AP that at least one person was injured in the shooting and was soon after transported to a hospital.
“NSA police and local law enforcement are addressing an incident that took place this morning at one of NSA’s security vehicle entry gates. The situation is under control and there’s no ongoing security or safety threat,” the NSA told BuzzFeed News in a statement.
Local police and rescue authorities are referring questions to the NSA and Fort Meade.
White House deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters said in a statement that the “president has been briefed on the shooting” and offered “thoughts and prayers to everyone that has been affected,” the statement read.
“We will continue to provide updates as they become available,” Walters concluded.
This is a developing story. Check back for updates and follow BuzzFeed News on Twitter.