May the Björk be with you.
Stephen Lear is a life-long Star Wars fan from London, England. He’s also a pretty nerdherdingly awesome graphic artist.
Like, wuuuuuuuuuut?
Big Machine / Stephen Lear
And he’s making the freaking awesomest Star Wars themed album cover mash-ups you’ve ever seen.
Warner Bros Records / Stephen Lear
Lear told BuzzFeed that the project started naturally: “I was managing a record store, and as a way to promote the shop, I inserted the company logo into images of whatever the new release was for that week.”
RCA / Stephen Lear
“As the ideas dried up with the company logo, I decided to create my own work — but this time mashing up movies and album covers.”
Parlophone / Stephen Lear
Star Wars puns were easy for me as far as finding inspiration and thinking of ideas.”
Interscope / Stephen Lear
All your faves are there.
Geffen / Stephen Lear
Stephen explained that while most works take a couple of hours, some can take days.
Atlantic Records / Stephen Lear
“Some have even taken weeks such as the Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band ones I have done. The idea is always the hardest part.”
Parlophone / Stephen Lear
Honestly, perfection.
Warner Brothers / Stephen Lear
The London-based artist actually printed up t-shirts of some of his favorite works.
Virgin / Stephen Lear
The force is strong with this one.
Columbia Records / Stephen Lear
So simple. So brillz.
EMI / Stephen Lear
No reference left behind.
Virgin / Stephen Lear
Nothing but respect for MY general.
One Little Indian / Stephen Lear
He’s got plenty of other great pop-culture stuff too, but let’s be honest, this is a time when we only care about Star Wars.
Reprise Records / Stephen Lear
May the force be with you, Stephen, and keep you awesome.
RCA / Stephen Lear