You might consider the first tip to be quite obvious, but it’s also quite effective. Simply reduce the amount of teeth-staining food and drinks that you consume. Yes, that means all the good stuff like tea, coffee, and red wine. Rubinshtein says this is the first defense against staining and the easiest way to keep teeth bright, whether you’ve just whitened them or it’s been a while.
Of course, we can’t always avoid tea, coffee, and red wine (nor would we want to… as for us, a daily coffee is nonnegotiable). To prevent staining despite consuming these foods and drinks, Rubinshtein recommends rinsing your mouth with water after you’re done. This prevents them from lingering on your teeth and causing long-term stains. He says you can also use an alcohol-free mouthwash if you happen to have one nearby.
If you think you should brush right after eating and drinking, think again. Rubinshtein says you should actually way about an hour or so. This preserves the enamel and keeps your teeth strong and healthy. Make sure you use a soft-bristle toothbrush (harsh bristles don’t clean any better. In fact, they could do more harm than good, so stick with soft bristles).
This one is as unexpected as it is effective. If you’re about to drink something that could stain your teeth, like tea, coffee, or wine, add some food to the mix. “Have your drink with some food, like a meal if you are drinking wine, and with a pastry if you are having tea or coffee,” Kalasho says. “Chewing and eating actually cleanse the teeth because your salivary flow increases and the food touches all your tooth surfaces. For tea and coffee perhaps try to add some sugar-free creamer; it can help make the drink less acidic and lighten the color.”
This tip isn’t just good for keeping your teeth bright, it’s also good for your oral health as a whole. “Don’t underestimate the power of a clean mouth,” Kalasho says. “Many people use whitening at-home agents like gels or strips, but they have plaque on their teeth. Plaque is a thin filament of bacteria that is yellow in nature and stains with the foods you eat. Your teeth could be filled with gum disease and cavity-causing bacteria and you are simply masking it by whitening. Most of the time if you notice your teeth are not getting whiter, especially at the end closest to the gums it’s because you have a bacterial filament on your teeth that needs to be exfoliated by a dental professional so the whitening actually works.”
Make sure you’re brushing and flossing twice a day to keep plaque at bay. Regular dental check-ups are necessary, too. And speaking of dentists, both experts say the efficacy of professional whitening can’t be overstated. “You can use a more profound whitening system by your dentist, called chair-side teeth whitening,” Rubenshtein says. “Also for a more permanent white smile, you can consider conservative porcelain veneers.”
Next: Makeup Artists Agree—Wear These 15 Lipsticks to Make Your Teeth Look Whiter