Despite it nearing 100 degrees in New York City this week, Katie Holmes looked effortlessly cool when she was spotted outside of SoHo’s Angelika Theatre wearing the outfit recipe that every New Yorker, including Ashley Olsen, swears by. There to speak on a panel about her upcoming film Alone Together, the Dawson’s Creek alum chose a pair of mid-wash jeans, a white T-shirt, and a navy-blue blazer. To top off the look, she added a pair of green earrings and the same Chloé sneakers she’s been donning non-stop this week.
Luckily, unlike the actor’s viral cashmere bralette and cardigan from Khaite, which retail for $520 and $1580 respectively, Holmes’ latest look is almost too easy to replicate. In all likelihood, you already own a few of the NYC uniform’s most essential components. If you don’t, though, there’s no need to worry. Shop your way to Holmes’ jeans look below.
Next Up: Ashley Olsen Wore the Jeans-and-Flats Outfit Every Cool New Yorker Swears By