Why Hollywood Hypocrisy Rages On

We finally found a way to make Hollywood, Inc. stop saying, “Don’t Say Gay.”

The industry rallied around that Fake News narrative following Florida legislation designed to protect K-3rd graders from sexual instruction in public schools.

Celebrity after celebrity blasted the decision, with many repeating what they falsely claimed couldn’t be said.

The fraudulent meme also made its way into the Oscars ceremony, Hollywood’s biggest night.

Co-hosts Amy Schumer, Regina Hall and Wanda Sykes all repeated the “Don’t say gay” narrative at the start of the low-rated telecast.

A funny thing happened to this branch of Hollywood activism. It didn’t prevent Warner Bros. from removing gay-themed dialogue from the latest “Fantastic Beasts” film to appease Chinese censors.

References to a gay relationship in “Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore” were edited out of the movie by Warner Bros. for the film’s release in China. Only six seconds of the movie’s 142-minute runtime were removed. Dialogue that was edited out alluded to the romantic past between male characters Dumbledore (Jude Law) and Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen). “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling revealed Dumbledore was gay in 2009, but the movies had never explicitly referenced the character’s sexuality until this third “Fantastic Beasts” entry.

That news broke April 11, but 72-plus hours later Hollywood remains mostly, if not utterly, silent on the issue. No Tweets from celebrity activists slamming the decision. No updates from Schumer, Hall or Sykes on their passionate issue.

None of this is surprising.

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Hollywood hypocrisy is the one constant in La La Land. Box office grosses ebb and flow. Stars who were red hot yesterday find their careers cooling today. And actors routinely flash their ability to say one thing and then do the complete opposite.

Need examples?

  • Actors promote a green revolution but frequently burn more energy than most Americans. Others preach about Climate Change then hop on the nearest private jet.
  • They railed against President Donald Trump for putting “kids in cages” but fell silent when it happened under President Joe Biden.
  • Actresses march against the Patriarchy but stand down when a fellow actress is fired for no good reason.
  • Stars flee states with strict abortion laws but look the other way when studios play footsie with China, a vigorous human rights abuser.

That’s just a short list. The bigger question remains. How do they get away with it, time and again?

It’s simple. They never, ever face repercussions for their hypocrisy.

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Most of that falls at the media’s feet. Reporters, both the hard news variety and entertainment scribes, rarely if ever bring up these conflicts. If a star made a pro-life speech at the Oscars, he or she would likely face a withering press pounding hours later.

If that same star commits an act of nuclear-grade hypocrisy, however, those same reporters will look the other way.

Case in point?

How many reporters challenged Leonardo DiCaprio on his eco-lecture during the 2016 Oscar ceremony? It’s hardly a secret that the “Revenant” star doesn’t practice what he preach.

It’s just the opposite.

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That would make a worthy question for the superstar, no?

No, apparently.

The same holds true for other Hollywood hypocrisies. Media types refuse to hold the powerful to account for every deceit.

So when the industry collectively ignores a major studio erasing gay dialogue from a wannabe blockbuster it’s clear they won’t be challenged on the matter.

Why? There are two obvious explanations.

One, it would embarrass the stars in question, no doubt. That could put the reporters’ access to them in jeopardy moving forward. No more puff pieces tied to their next film or streaming project. And it could damage their ties to the studio in question.

Two, reporters generally agree with liberal actors and their progressive worldviews. So to embarrass them would damage the movement as a whole. And they’d rather not do that.

RELATED: Gay Groups Silent on Kimmel’s Homophobic Jokes

This lack of accountability extends beyond media corruption. Green energy groups similarly stand down over Hollywood’s eco-hypocrisy. Have any singled DiCaprio out for his eco-hypocrisy?

Similarly, GLAAD won’t publicly ask why Hollywood activists won’t speak out against the “Fantastic Beasts” censorship?

Did Time’s Up howl at stars ignoring the sexual abuse allegation against then-candidate Joe Biden in 2020? Of course not. To be fair, the group routinely ignores Democrats behaving badly, especially Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

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In fact, beyond conservative media outlets noting the hypocrisy stars face no real blowback for their actions.

That’s why we’ll keep seeing new variations of it for the foreseeable future.

The post Why Hollywood Hypocrisy Rages On appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.