Jeff Daniels Decries Systemic Racism, Ignores Racist Attack on Larry Elder

The man many know as Harry Dunne from “Dumb and Dumber” is becoming one of Hollywood’s most outspoken stars.

Jeff Daniels routinely addresses political matters off screen and on these days. It unofficially began when he played a TV anchor on HBO’s “The Newsroom,” a show examining recent headlines from a liberal point of view.

More recently, he appeared on MSNBC and Showtime to spread the progressive doctrine. The former found the Michigan native saying a Trump re-election would be “the end of Democracy” during one appearance.

The latter?

He starred as former FBI head James Comey in “The Comey Rule,” one of the most dishonest TV productions in recent memory.

For the uninitiated, the two-part series pretended neither the Mueller Report exists nor the copious headlines that shredded the so-called Russian collusion narrative.

Now, Daniels is weighing in on racism and more via “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” The two far-left stars embraced the notion of system racism during their Sept. 14 chat.

“You have to decide whether you’re for eliminating or at least marginalizing systemic racism, or are you against that? You have to choose. You can’t just sit back and go ‘please cut my taxes and I’m going to look the other way.’”

YouTube Video

There’s little newsworthy about their conversation, at least on the surface. Yet just a few days prior to the interview a black politician was attacked, verbally and physically in California.

Larry Elder, the conservative talk show host turned candidate, made a public appearance to promote his campaign in Venice, Calif. A woman wearing a gorilla mask, as racist an image as possible, threw an egg at Elder and got into an altercation with his entourage.

Had Elder been a Democrat, the ensuing media coverage would make the Jussie Smollett scandal look puny by comparison.

Yet most media outlets either ignored or downplayed the incident. Elder himself slammed the lack of coverage, saying reporters “didn’t give a rip” about it because he was a conservative.

“Had I had a ‘D’ at the end of my name, this would have been a hate crime … They would have had a manhunt for her.”

He’s right, of course. Remember how the culture convulsed, and the FBI sprang into action, when a black race car driver, Bubba Wallace, suspected someone put a noose in his garage? It ended up being a rope pull to close the garage door. shut.

“The Late Show,” like most media outlets, ignored the overtly racist incident. Even worse?

Daniels didn’t bring up the Elder attack during his passionate discussion of “systemic racism” even though it happened four days prior to the show’s taping. Shouldn’t a discussion of systemic racism include this timely event?

RELATED: Post-Election Hollywood — America Is Racist

In Daniels’ defense, how many Hollywood stars weighed in on the matter? Rose McGowan, who supported Elder’s campaign, spoke up about the racist incident.

Anyone else?

Daniels could have bolstered his systemic racism argument by mentioning how little media attention the Elder attack received. Either he never even heard about it thanks to media corruption or didn’t care enough to complain because the victim was a conservative.

Is there any other explanation?

The post Jeff Daniels Decries Systemic Racism, Ignores Racist Attack on Larry Elder appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.