Wale Says He’s One Of The Greatest Rappers Of All Time

Wale says he’s one of the greatest rappers of all time.

“When I say I’m one of the greatest rappers of all time. I mean it with all my heart,” he tweeted. “I’ve put out more QUALITY music than most. My deep cuts are crazy. My singles all got plaques. Decade plus. THAT is why I’m heavy on the gratitude.”

Years back, the rapper went off on Complex magazine for not including their rapper on the best 50 albums of the year.

“Do you think y’all being a responsible publication by continuously to f*ckin’ like…do all that petty sh*t?” the rapper said in a phone recording.

 “At this point, you know it’s got to be personal. You telling me it’s not personal. It’s like a bold face lie,” he told associate editor Insanul Ahmed. “To be omitted from every type of list that y’all do or be at the bottom of it or every type of way that y’all can omit me, [you] will.”