Andre Leon Talley BLASTS The Obamas: Calls Him ‘Barack Antoinette’

Barack Obama is being blasted this morning, by a scathing political op-ed piece in the Ny Times, written by Maureen Dowd. Dowd is criticizing Barack and Michelle, MTO News discovered, for throwing a 60th birthday party at his mansion – in the middle of COVID.

And Maureen got some backup in her criticism. Co-signing the op-ed was cultural icon Andre Leon Talley.

Here’s an excerpt from what he said in Maureen’s op-ed:

Barack Obama spotted dancing at his 60th birthday party

Barack Obama spotted dancing at his 60th birthday party_720P HD (; 0:35)

“I think the nouveaux riches Obamas are seriously tone-deaf,” said the authority on opulence, André Leon Talley. “We all love Beyoncé. But people have so many things to worry about with Covid, voting rights, climate warming. People are afraid of being evicted from their homes. And the Obamas are in Marie-Antoinette, tacky, let-them-eat-cake mode. They need to remember their humble roots.”

Andre Leon Talley is an American fashion journalist, and the former creative director and American editor-at-large of Vogue magazine.[1] He was the magazine’s fashion news director from 1983 to 1987 and then its creative director from 1988 to 1995. He has authored three books, including two memoirs, and co-authored a book with Richard Bernstein.