‘RHOBH’s Kelly Dodd Blames COVID-19 ‘Thinning The Herd’ Comment On Darwin

Kelly Dodd, former star of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills received a lot of hate after she said that the coronavirus was “God’s way of thinning the herd.”

Now she’s blaming it on dead scientist Charles Darwin.

“I didn’t write that. I’m not smart enough. Darwin did,” she told Jeff Lewis on his show. “I was reading an article and I said it because I read it. It’s natural selection. I wasn’t hurting anybody, I didn’t kill anybody. Was it insensitive? Yeah, probably. But I was just reading an article about it and I’m like, ‘That makes sense.'”

She also used the show to drag her nemesis, Braunwyn Windham-Burke who she blames for getting her kicked off the show.


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“She is actually hurting her kids,” she said. “She’s having an affair with this Fernanda [Rocha] chick. She broke up a marriage, and she’s like, you know, doing all this stuff. What kind of example are you setting for your children?”