Lisa Nicole Cloud: I Was Not Fired From ‘Married To Medicine’

Lisa Nicole Cloud sat down for an interview where she revealed that she was not fired from the show.

“I was definitely invited back. I had a contract and everything. But my family was my #1 priority, and as you guys know, when I left that last season, it was really tough on my husband, it was tough on me. It was tough on our marriage. And there were things that were said that were not true that were out… so I just decided ‘I’m just gonna take a break. I need to focus on my family, I need to focus on my other businesses… at that time, I was still trying to have a baby, so it was kind of hard,” she told The Jasmine Brand.

She also revealed that despite their issues, she and her husband Darren are very much together.

“After we took the time to separate, and figure out what is most important to each of us and go through some counseling, we were able to heal some of the areas that were really struggling in our marriage… We’re still together, our family is still strong, and it is what it is.”