Famous Dex Arrested For Violating Restraining Order

Famous Dex has been taken into custody after he allegedly violated a protective order put in place after a domestic violence incident last year.

The rapper was hit with 19 charges from three different incidents, with two of them involving ex-girlfriends. In November, cops were called to his home domestic incident. Cops said when they arrived, the woman had cuts on her body. The rapper then got into a standoff with SWAT after he allegedly created a barrier in the home with guns. He was charged with domestic violence, weapon possession, dissuading a victim from reporting a crime, and defacing property for the incident. 


Famous Dex Falls Alseep On IG Live (; 0:59)

In a separate incident with a different ex-girlfriend, the rapper was charged with corporal injury domestic violence, threatening a domestic partner, inflicting bodily injury, exhibiting a firearm, dissuading a victim from reporting a crime, defacing property, and illegal possession of a firearm. 

The rapper has a history of drug addiction and as admitted to rehab last year.