When it comes to fashion items, there’s basically no better investment than a designer bag. Depending on the brand, they’ve proven time and time again to hold their value, making it a great thing to save up for. Currently, the investment-worthy bag I can’t stop thinking about is none other than the Gucci 1955 Horsebit Shoulder Bag.
Every time I’ve decided to save up for a designer bag, the bag has veered classic and timeless. Who wants to spend a lot of money on something that’s going to look dated in just a matter of time? Introduced last year, the Gucci 1955 bag is based on a decades-old style, which is certainly a good sign, and the medium-sized saddle-style bag is incredibly versatile. Plus, that horsebit detail is as chic as it gets. I’m partial to the logo-printed iteration (that’s been the most popular among the fashion crowd), but I’d be a proud owner of any one of the all-leather styles as well.
Although the Gucci 1955 bag is completely worth the wait, I’ll be the first to admit that the waiting game is no fun. When there’s something I really want, I can’t stop thinking about it (I’m sure you know the feeling), so to tide myself over, I chose 16 less-expensive ones that I’d be thrilled to carry in the meantime (and beyond). Scroll to shop my dream bag (and see how some of fashion’s most stylish are wearing it) and a selection of other bags that I’d be just as excited to own in the meantime.
Next up, I’m a Fashion Director—These Are My Favorite Trends Now.
This post was originally published at an earlier date and has since been updated.