Twitter Drags Yaya Mayweather Over Yacht Trip

Yaya Mayweather trended on social media on Monday, after she went live on a yacht — partying with her friends and her newborn son.

Yaya was on the livestream with her mother, Melissia Rene. During the session, baby Kentrell can be seen wrapped up in a blanket as Yaya holds him while she is dancing, standing on the edge of a couch on the yacht — as her mother cheers her on.


Yaya Mayweather IG Live at her Baby Shower (; 2:30)

But Twitter was concerned about how close the young mother was too close to the edge — and let her know about it.

“Not the baby on the yacht this b*tch done lost her mind,” one user wrote.

Another wrote: “Not Yaya’s fresh out the coochie baby on a yacht, while everybody is maskless during a pandemic…….”

Somebody else wrote: “Folks are mad about yaya knocking a song…… I’m sorry I can’t focus on that, I’m too distracted by her standing on a chair, by the railing on a yacht, HOLDING HER NEWBORN who she decided to bring out to a lil PARTY in a PANDEMIC. Lord please cover that child,”