Rapper Kodak Black has filed a lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Prisons and Kentucky’s Big Sandy high-security prison warden for alleged torture and a host of other charges.
According to documents obtained by TMZ, Kodak recalls that “for no legitimate law enforcement purpose,” he was “placed by guards in a backless paper gown on a 4-point restraint for more than 6 hours … with no access to a bathroom.”
In a tweet, Kodak revealed that the prison refused to give him credit for time served, and he also alleges he was beaten with a metal object while restrained in handcuffs — by seven guards at Big Sandy penitentiary in a “gang beatdown”.
Kodak’s legal team is also threatening to sue because the rapper does not have proper access to a rabbi, claiming that his religious liberties continue to be infringed upon. Kodak is reportedly a Hebrew Israelite.
His attorney Bradford Cohen wrote:
“When there is no 3rd party supervision they can do anything and not suffer consequences. When is the last time in a prison a video tape was inconclusive? They discount witness testimony from fellow inmates as ‘unreliable’ no matter what the situation…they will just automatically take the word of the guard. Its time to start holding these agencies accountable. Just like the picture of Bill that was sent to the press almost immediately….when is the last time you saw some federal white collar criminal get a picture taken in custody and disseminated to the press?.”