Hate against Asian American and Pacific Islander communities has been on the rise during the pandemic—and the fashion industry cannot stay silent. “History has proven that the world suffers not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people,” designerPrabal Gurung wrote on his personal Instagram page. “Not speaking up against pure evil is the same as cooperating with it.” Gurung is one of the many prominent Asian American fashion designers, influencers, and industry professionals who have been outspoken about the troubling trend, but the burden should never rest solely on the AAPI community.
Additionally, you can scroll down to shop items from brands that will be donating a portion of their proceeds to specific AAPI organizations.
Asian American Girl Club states that 100% of net proceeds from this limited edition T-shirt will be donated to Apex For Youth, which helps low-income Asian and immigrant children in New York City with mentoring, SAT prep, access to athletics, English courses, and more.
Per the retailer’s Instagram, “Alumni of NY will be donating half of all proceeds from our in-house collection to Welcome to Chinatown’s Longevity Fund, raising money to bolster businesses throughout Chinatown to protect one of the most iconic American neighborhoods.”
Another option from Alumni of NY with half of the proceeds going to the same charity mentioned above.
“100% of the proceeds from the first production run of our t-shirts will be donated to Stop AAPI Hate, a national coalition addressing anti-Asian hate amid the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Per Alumni of NY, “all proceeds from this capsule will go towards Chinese-American Planning Council, the nation’s largest Asian-American non-profit organization.”
Proceeds from the sales of this T-shirt benefit the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum, which aims to “elevate AAPI women and girls to impact policy and drive systemic change in the United States.”
We Are Uprisers states that 100% net profit will go back to a nonprofit called Hate Is A Virus.
California-based artist @eggtartstudio is donating 100% of the proceeds from select prints to Stop AAPI Hate, which tracks and addresses racist incidents against the community, and Heart of Dinner, which delivers meals to Asian elders in NYC.
“The Museum of Chinese in America is the world’s leading institution dedicated to preserving and presenting Chinese American history and culture. All proceeds of this merchandise goes back into Chinatown, including 10% that will be donated to the many inspiring charitable initiatives working hard for the community.”