Paulina Porizkova, a 56 year old former supermodel, is upset with men – who no longer find her attractive, MTO News has learned.

For most of Paulina’s life, she was seen as one o the most beautiful women in the world. But now -at age 56 – her beauty is fading. Paulina’s husband recently left her, and she’s having trouble finding men interested in dating her.
So Paulina – who now calls herself a feminist – is BLASTING men for their ageism.
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Here’s an snipper from the article:
“I am now completely invisible,” Porizkova explains. “I walk into a party, I try to flirt with guys and they will just walk away from me mid-sentence to pursue someone 20 years younger. I’m very single, I’m dressed up, I’ve made an effort – nothing.”
Some women say it kicks in at 40; others when they finally “let” themselves go grey. Virginia Woolf described the phenomenon in Mrs Dalloway in 1925, aged 43. In 2005, 47-year-old Kate Bush summed it up in How to be Invisible with the lyrics “hem of anorak/ stem of wallflower/ hair of doormat”. The actress whose roles dry up, the widows left off guest lists. Bar presence, network, social interactions diminished. The female invisibility cloak falls heaviest on those most used to being looked at as well as – or instead of – listened to, and the time before it smothers you speeds up with every child you have.
“It’s a slow fade,” agrees Porizkova. “Like the boiled frog, you don’t know until [you’re gone]. It was around the same time my marriage fell apart: my husband was no longer interested in me and, as I started looking around, I realised I was invisible to the population at large. It made me feel really terrible about myself.
In 1984, at 18 years old, Porizkova became the first Central European woman to be on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.
In 1988, she earned what was then the highest-paying modeling contract ever: a $6,000,000 contract with Estée Lauder. She was part of the judging panel of America’s Next Top Model in Cycles 10–12.
This I what she used to look like: