You know how people always say it’s important to find your power color? Essentially, the idea is to pinpoint that one color (or a few) that you can count on to look best on you no matter what. Well, that decision comes down to how well a shade complements your natural coloring. While previously, we’ve investigated which colors look best on blondes, today, we’re tackling another hair color–and-clothing challenge: which hues look great on redheads.
With the help of our favorite celebs, we carefully selected five colors that perfectly complement red hair. From bold to soft shades, keep reading to see which options are strikingly amazing colors for redheads.
For redheads with pale skin like Ruth Wilson, black offers a stark contrast to show off your rare hair color.
The same goes for Julianne Moore.
We love Rihanna as a redhead, don’t you?
Red and green are on opposite sides of the color wheel, which means they create a lovely contrast when combined.
Blue carpet aside, these contrasting colors make a perfect pair.
The emerald gown and matching clutch make this outfit a true gem.
Redhead celebrities such as Isla Fisher and Jessica Chastain know the power of royal blue in their wardrobes, so you might want to follow suit.
All shades of blue are fair game for redheads.
A navy look with a red lip is a powerful combination.
Black accessories also complement a mostly blue outfit.
Thanks to the likes of Emma Stone and Jessica Chastain, we’re convinced that various shades of beige are extremely flattering for redheads.
Zendaya as a redhead? *Chef’s kiss*
Again, Jessica Chastain’s red lips (and toes!) help take this entire look to the next level.
Have you ever heard that redheads shouldn’t wear red? You can officially throw that notion out the window because it looks positively beautiful.
Pair a sleek red dress with yellow-gold jewelry for a truly radiant look.
And if you’re really feeling daring, try a combination of red, black, beige, and green—hey, it works for Gucci!