Get ready to have your mind blown.
Kevin’s plane ticket was accidentally thrown away while his dad was cleaning up in Home Alone.
So, even if the McCallisters didn’t FORGET ABOUT THEIR CHILD, there’s a good chance Kevin wouldn’t have made it to Paris anyway.
20th Century Fox / Via imgur.com
Glenn Close is the “boo box” pirate in Hook.
You were probably too busy being scarred for life by this scene to notice.
TriStar Pictures / Via r8w7.wordpress.com
No one shoots Nice Guy Eddie in Reservoir Dogs.
In the film’s commentary, they explain that Mr. White was supposed to shoot Joe and then swing around to shoot Eddie. Unfortunately, Chris Penn’s squib went off early, and they couldn’t afford to film it again.
Miramax Films / Via apairoftools.wordpress.com
The red dress scene in The Matrix has multiple sets of twins and triplets.
The Wachowskis wanted to depict that coders could duplicate background characters, so they hired tons of twins and triplets as extras.
Warner Bros. / Via matrix.wikia.com
Alan’s belt buckle has two female ends at the beginning of Jurassic Park.
He ties them together proving that… life finds a a way. (Get it? All of the dinosaurs were female, so this was a major hint to what was coming.)
Universal Pictures / Via medium.com
Murray’s license plate says “My Joint” in Clueless.
What a gem.
Paramount Pictures / Via buzzfeed.com
Space Jam pokes fun at Disney.
Daffy suggests they name the team “The Ducks” and Bugs Bunny responds by saying, “What kind of MICKEY MOUSE team would call themselves ‘The Ducks’?” Space Jam was released four years after Disney’s The Mighty Ducks.
Warner Bros. / Via bleacherreport.com
Tommy’s mom was played by Martin Scorsese’s mom in Goodfellas.
She actually made appearances in multiple Scorsese films, including Casino.
Warner Bros. / Via imdb.com
Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s hyphen is in the wrong place in the 10 Things I Hate About You credits.
To be fair, Gordon could be a first or last name.
Buena Vista Pictures / Via buzzfeed.com
In Pulp Fiction, Robert Ruth is credited as “Coffee Shop”.
The character says “I’m not a hero, I’m just a coffee shop-” before being cut off.
Miramax / Via craveonline.com
In Batman Returns, Selena Kyle’s glasses literally foreshadow her future as Catwoman.
“Life’s a bitch, now so am I.”
Warner Bros. Pictures / Via reddit.com
In Terminator 2: Judgement Day, the T-1000 has four hands in the helicopter scene.
He was one horrifying multi-tasker.
TriStar Pictures / Via reddit.com
In Scream, Wes Craven cameos as the janitor wearing Freddy Krueger’s sweater.
You can also spot The Exorcist‘s Linda Blair in the film.
Dimension Films / Via onthefringescinema.wordpress.com
Miramax Films / Via bostonmagazine.com
If you look closely, you can spot a car in Braveheart.
Maybe this whole movie was actually just a The Village situation.
Paramount Pictures / Via scoopwhoop.com
Chubbs wears a Lacoste shirt in Happy Gilmore.
This is significant, because he lost his hand in an alligator attack, and later died because he was scared by the sight of the alligator’s head.
Universal Pictures / Via zimbio.com
In The Shawshank Redemption, Red calls Andy’s dream “a shitty pipe dream”.
Later, Andy crawls through a sewage pipe to make his escape.
Columbia Pictures / Via news.com.au
Look closely at the Silence of the Lambs movie poster. The skull in the moth head is actually naked ladies.
You had this poster up in your dorm room and NEVER NOTICED.
Orion Pictures / Via verbicidemagazine.com
The famous Big Kahuana Burger franchise from Pulp Fiction is also seen in From Dusk till Dawn.
Classic Tarantino.
Dimension Films / Via comingsoon.net
In Honey, I Blew Up The Kid, the Ark of the Covenant is being held in the same warehouse as the shrinking machine.
This can only mean that Indiana Jones is from the same universe as the Szalinskis.
Walt Disney Pictures / Via reddit.com
There is at least one Starbucks cup visible in every Fight Club scene.
Or so David Fincher claims.
20th Century Fox / Via briff.me
The real Larry Flynt appears in The People vs. Larry Flynt.
Fun fact: Woody Harrelson was nominated for an Oscar for his portrayal of Larry Flynt.
Columbia Pictures / Via moviechurches.com
Helen Keller got an “F” in Tommy Boy.
The print out with Tommy’s final grade includes this strange easter egg.
Paramount Pictures / Via theninetieskid.com
Blink 182 makes an appearance American Pie.
Their song “Mutt” is also featured in the film.
Universal Pictures / Via denofgeek.com
Michael Keaton plays the same character in Jackie Brown and Out of Sight.
Jackie Brown was directed by Tarantino and Out of Sight was directed by Soderbergh, making this a strange crossover. Fun Fact: If you went to film school, you were forced to watch the Out of Sight sex scene in MULTIPLE classes.
Miramax Films/Universal Pictures / Via digitalspy.com
Michael Bay has a cameo in Armageddon.
This is his best film. Don’t @ me.
Buena Vista Pictures / Via slashfilm.com
The pirates in James and the Giant Peach resemble Jack Skellington.
It’s no surprise considering The Nightmare Before Christmas and James and the Giant Peach were both directed by Henry Selick.
Walt Disney Pictures / Via disneyvillains.wikia.com
Not only does Janet Leigh show up in Halloween: H20, but she drives the same car from Psycho.
Janet Leigh is the mother of Jamie Lee Curtis, whose career was kickstarted by Halloween in 1978.
Paramount Pictures/Dimension Films / Via weminoredinfilm.com
The passenger in Gomez Addams’ train set is The Addams Family director, Barry Sonnenfeld.
He also directed the sequel, Addams Family Values.
Paramount Pictures / Via gfycat.com
Sarah Michelle Gellar is killed in Scream 2 right after discussing Party of Five.
Not only did Party of Five star Scream‘s Neve Campbell, but it also featured Jennifer Love Hewitt, who was in I Know With You Did Last Summer with Sarah earlier that year.
Dimension Films / Via scream-trilogy.net
Speaking of, Sarah Michelle Gellar is reading a magazine with Jennifer Love Hewitt on the cover in Cruel Intentions.
They were clearly BFFs.
Columbia Pictures / Via huffington1239.rssing.com
The license plate on Trent’s car in Swingers is a shoutout to George Lucas.
George Lucas’ first film, THX 1138, is also referenced in Star Wars (a lot).
Miramax Films / Via uproxx.com
Penny and Garry Marshall play husband and wife in Hocus Pocus, but they’re IRL brother and sister.
Did anyone else notice this as a kid and think it was super weird?
Walt Disney Pictures / Via basementrejects.com
You can see the Riddler and Two-Face’s costumes in Batman and Robin.
The villains from the previous movie are somewhere in Arkham Asylum, as are their costumes.
Warner Bros. Pictures / Via millionaireplayboy.com
The numbers 8 and 2 are featured predominately throughout Magnolia.
See the full list here.
New Line Cinema / Via thoughts-out-of-season.blogspot.com
The painting in Matilda is of Roald Dahl.
In case you didn’t know, Roald Dahl wrote the book the film is based on.
TriStar Pictures / Via diply.com
In The Parent Trap, Meredith’s mother is played by same actress who played the Meredith-type character in the original film.
In the original, Joanna Barnes played Vicky Robinson. In the remake, her character’s name was Vicki Blake.
Buena Vista Distribution / Via Facebook: TheParentTrap1961
There are many famous “known aliens” in Men in Black.
They include Al Roker, Isaac Mizrahi, Danny DeVito, Barry Sonnenfeld (yep, MIB has the same director as The Addams Family), Chloe Sonnenfeld (Barry’s daughter), Sylvester Stallone, Dionne Warwick, Newt Gingrich, Anthony Robbins, George Lucas, and Steven Spielberg.
Columbia Pictures / Via scifi.stackexchange.com
M. Night Shyamalan makes a cameo as a doctor in The Sixth Sense.
M. Night comes from a family of doctors, and always assumed he would grow up to be one, too.
Buena Vista Pictures Distribution / Via cinemablend.com
There’s a billboard for Tarantino’s fictional cigarette brand, Red Apple, in Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion.
It’s common knowledge that Tarantino includes these cigarettes in most of his movies. They show up in Romy and Michele, because Tarantino was dating Mira Sorvino.
Buena Vista Pictures / Via q-tarantino.de
The plane destroyed at the end of Speed belongs to Pacific Courier.
This is a shoutout to Die Hard, which uses a Pacific Courier truck to transport the terrorists.
20th Century Fox / Via filmbuffonline.com
And the kid from Groundhog Day definitely didn’t die.
Were you worried when Phil wasn’t there to save that kid from falling out of the tree? Don’t fret! You see him in the background of this scene with a mere broken leg.
Columbia Pictures / Via independent.co.uk