1. I had no idea Indianapolis was so…trendy?
2. And the houses are so cheap!
3. I mean, I bet I could buy a house for like $10k like Mina and Karen do and at least fix it up enough to be habitable.
4. Actually NVM, I forgot I can’t even use a hammer properly.
5. Karen seems like the best mom.
6. Can Karen be my mom?
7. I just want to have tea with Karen and her dogs and talk about like, the color of our auras or something.
8. Honestly their family tree is so big and complicated, I could probably just slip in there and they wouldn’t even notice.
9. They’d be like, “Who are you?” and I’d be like, “Duh, I’m your nephew Andy” and they’d just be like, “OK that sounds about right.”
10. I love every dramatic shot of Tad’s Demo Crew walking down the street.
11. I would hire Tad’s Demo Crew to just follow me around and make me look tough.
12. Honestly, I love Tad, but it’s a miracle that he hasn’t accidentally killed someone yet during demo day.
13. I just sit and make concerned noises at my television whenever he does something dangerous.
14. Like, put on a hard hat at least, Tad!
15. Summary of every demo day:
Tad: “I’m gonna do this dangerous thing because it’ll look cool.”
Mina: “Tad, no.”
Tad: “Tad YES.”
16. Mina will never not be wearing a T-shirt with something Indiana-related on it.
17. Looks like Karen found another “treasure” in this house. I swear, she’s going to accidentally uncover a cursed object someday.
18. She’ll think it’s like a hat rack or something but it’ll be some kind of ancient totem.
19. And obviously Karen believes in positive energy so she definitely doesn’t want that.
20. I’ve watched a lot of HGTV but I swear this is the only show where they have to LIFT UP ENTIRE HOUSES ON A JACK on a regular basis.
21. If the current trend continues, Tad’s beard should reach the ground by Season 4.
22. And his shirts will have negative sleeves.
23. I don’t know where Sanders St. is, but it must be filled with beautiful houses by now.
24. Seriously, I think Mina and Karen have purchased every single house on this street.
25. Can we talk about how much of a freakin’ BOSS Mina is?
26. Mina framing walls and ordering around a bunch of men gives me life.
27. But my favorite thing is when Karen operates heavy machinery.
28. Thanks to Good Bones, I now feel like I’m an expert on the Bates-Hendricks area.
29. Oh, and Fountain Square!
30. Bless Mina and Karen forever for painting their houses fun colors that aren’t just grey and white.
31. I will buy every single bright green or purple house from them, I swear.
32. Time to show the house to some “prospective buyers!”
33. Every prospective buyer on this show is a cute hipster couple.
34. I feel like none of these buyers actually buy the houses though which is unfair because I WANT ONE.
35. Maybe if I buy one of their houses, Karen will make me some kind of plant-based DIY craft.
36. Or adopt me.