“Once a woman has dipped her toe into Crane lake, dry land is never the same again.”
When Frasier expressed his love for Niles.
NBC / Via tomlintrouble.tumblr.com
When Niles gave Martin a grammar lesson.
NBC / Via nojillnolife.tumblr.com
When Niles took a romantic risk.
NBC / Via textonly.tumblr.com
When Frasier made a joke and nobody was around to hear it.
“Frasier, once again you suffer the tragedy of being clever and alone.”
NBC / Via oldfilmsflicker.tumblr.com
When Niles was going to get high for the first time.
“I’m especially looking forward to something called the ‘munchies’ stage. I’m thinking of pairing this Chilean sea bass with and an aggressive zinfandel.”
NBC / Via shitfrasiersays.tumblr.com
When Martin and Daphne pranked their neighbors.
Daphne: “Someone followed me again last night.”
Martin: “Ah, you’re just being paranoid.”
Daphne: “I’m telling you, they’re onto me.”
Martin: “Come on. Nobody could recognize you after all that plastic surgery.”
Daphne: “That’s what Marlena thought.”
Martin: “Marlena got sloppy. She never should have gone back to Zurich.”
Daphne: “I just don’t want any more bloodshed.”
Martin: “Relax. You’re home free.”
Daphne: “You don’t know the Woodchuck and his ways.”
[Woman on the elevator leaves, terrified. Daphne and Martin laugh.]
Daphne: Oh, we’re terrible!
Martin: “We are? You are! ‘The Woodchuck and his ways!'”
Daphne: “You know, we really should stop doing this. It’s not nice.”
Martin: “Ah, you’re right. We won’t do it anymore.”
[A man enters the elevator.]
Daphne: “How’d you get the stuff through customs?”
Martin: “They never check the wooden leg.”
NBC / Via daphnemoon.tumblr.com
When Niles came to the “Dress As Your Hero” party dressed as his dad.
NBC / Via oldfilmsflicker.tumblr.com
When Niles wanted to prove a point.
“I want to prove that I’m strong and independent, and I can’t do that alone.”
NBC / Via oldfilmsflicker.tumblr.com
When Martin knew how to look on the bright side.
NBC / Via welcometoyouredoom.tumblr.com
When Niles was anxious about looking after his “flour baby.”
NBC / Via shitfrasiersays.tumblr.com
When Frasier had an irrational fear.
NBC / Via shitfrasiersays.tumblr.com
When Roz gave Frasier some romantic advice.
NBC / Via welcometoyouredoom.tumblr.com
And when Frasier gave Roz some advice.
Roz: “What am I doing wrong?”
Frasier: “Well, do you want me to answer as a friend or a therapist?”
Roz: “As a friend.”
Fraiser: “See a therapist.”
NBC / Via tvfreakd.tumblr.com
When Niles made some real progress.
NBC / Via shitfrasiersays.tumblr.com
When Niles and Frasier were in a bit of a pickle.
Niles: “It’s times like this that most families pull together and draw strength from each other… What shall we do?”
NBC / Via blairwarner.tumblr.com
When Niles opened up to Daphne.
NBC / Via oldfilmsflicker.tumblr.com
When Niles filled in for Frasier.
NBC / Via welcometoyouredoom.tumblr.com
When Roz dressed up.
Roz: “Hello.”
Niles: “You look like an almost-presentable version of someone who works with my brother.”
Roz: “Bite me.”
Niles: “Oh, it is you.”
NBC / Via wildarcy.tumblr.com
When Niles just wanted to iron his trousers.
When Martin realized his priorities had changed.
NBC / Via oldfilmsflicker.tumblr.com
When Frasier had healthy self-esteem.
NBC / Via shitfrasiersays.tumblr.com
When Niles didn’t appreciate Frasier’s accusations.
NBC / Via oldfilmsflicker.tumblr.com
When Niles and Frasier wanted to try riding bicycles.
NBC / Via oldfilmsflicker.tumblr.com
When Fraiser was trying to decipher his nightmare.
Frasier: “I was having the most distressing dream. I was climbing up a volcano that was spewing ice instead of lava.”
Daphne: “An ice volcano. Wonder what that could mean.”
Frasier: “Oh, what’s this?”
Lilith: [on answering machine] “Hello, it’s Lilith.”
Everyone: “Ohhh!”
Daphne: “There you have it.”
NBC / Via not-all-the-prayers.tumblr.com
When Martin refused to change the channel because he wanted to watch his favorite “game show.”
NBC / Via oldfilmsflicker.tumblr.com
Every time Eddie bothered Frasier.
When Frasier gave his listeners some simple — but useful — advice.
NBC / Via oldfilmsflicker.tumblr.com
And when Frasier’s first wife complained about her role on a long-running TV show.
Nanette: “Do you have any idea what it’s like to play the same character for 20 years?”
Fraiser: “…”
NBC / Via oldfilmsflicker.tumblr.com