We recently asked the Buzzfeed Community what they thought were the most underrated films of all time. Here are the cinematic gems you’ll want to binge-watch immediately.
Riding In Cars With Boys (2001)
Columbia Pictures
“I’ve loved this film since I was about 12 and thought it was always such a great coming-of-age movie about how one decision can determine the rest of your entire life, whether you even mean it to or not. Drew Barrymore is absolutely excellent in it.”
A Prayer Before Dawn (2018)
“It came out last year and did not get enough attention in my opinion. It’s a brutal prison drama starring Joe Cole of Peaky Blinders fame. He’s so good as the lead in what is primarily a single character-study kind of film. It’s tense and gripping and you can actually feel the character’s pain and difficulty. So good.”
Grave of Fireflies (1993)
“I think it’s the best, most poignant Studio Ghibli movie and NOBODY TALKS ABOUT IT.”
Assassination Nation (2018)
“Every one of my friends that I have forced to watch it has been pleasantly surprised. It’s this perfect combination of horror film, cautionary tale, and girl power flick. It’s so relevant to what is going on today and has such a powerful message. Not to mention the diversity! The main characters reflect what the world actually looks like.”
Josie and the Pussycats (2001)
Universal Pictures
“It’s hilarious and the cast is incredible. Not to mention a killer soundtrack.”
Stardust (2007)
Paramount Pictures
“It’s got an incredible cast, great character development, a unique fantasy story, and ROBERT FRIGGIN’ DENIRO as a gay pirate in drag! It is my favorite movie. I know every word and love falling asleep to it at night.”
Love, Rosie (2014)
“So much nostalgia and the perfect love story of two best friends who never get the timing right to be together…pulls on all the heart strings.”
How to be Single (2016)
Flower Films
“It actually gets into the crux of being in horrid relationships and how to take steps for you, not a man or your parents. It’s about women moving forward because they want to. Also, how not everyone needs to have a partner in order to be happy.”
Galaxy Quest (1999)
“A loving send-up of Star Trek, but also an entertaining sci-fi romp in its own right. Plus, it has an amazing cast.”
The Fall (2006)
Roadside Attractions
“Stunning and odd and even touching. Once you’ve watched it, you’ll never forget it.”
Grease 2 (1982)
Paramount Pictures
“The music is so much better, it’s about female empowerment, and the male lead is fine as hell. Grease 2 doesn’t deserve that much shit. I love this movie!”
Sugar & Spice (2001)
New Line Cinema
“It always gets forgotten in the late ‘90’s/early 00’s teen movie shuffle, but it was one of the best. It had Mena Suvari, Marley Shelton, Rachel Blanchard, Marla Sokoloff, and even James Marsden. It’s about a group of cheerleaders that decides to rob a bank after one of them gets pregnant. It’s so witty and smart. If you liked Jawbreaker or Drop Dead Gorgeous, you’ll like this.”
Secondhand Lions (2003)
New Line Cinema
“Never fails to make me laugh and has great messages about love, family, and growing up. Also: great cast, hilarious one-liners, and a lion. Who could ask for anything more?”
Charlie Bartlett (2007)
“A coming of age movie that is equal parts funny, heartwarming, and heartbreaking. It’s about a ‘troubled’ teenage boy from a wealthy family who is kicked out of every private school on the West coast, so he goes to public school where he (inevitably) doesn’t fit in. He ends up opening a black market psychiatrist’s office in the bathroom of his new school and prescribes medicine to students too afraid to go to their parents with their problems. It has Robert Downey Jr., Kat Dennings, and stars Anton Yelchin (may he rest in peace).”
The Emperor’s New Groove (2000)
“Easily the most hilarious Disney film ever made, the humor is so brilliantly dry and witty. Yzma is the best Disney villain as well.”
The Skeleton Twins (2014)
Roadside Attractions
“So funny yet such a good movie on mental health. Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader are such a good match.”
Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)
New Line Cinema
“I have watched it so many times and it only gets funnier! And it’s got an all-star cast of women: Kirsten Dunst, Denise Richards, Brittany Murphy, Amy Adams, Allison Janey, and Kirstie Alley! Anytime I ask someone if they’ve seen it I get a no. Go watch it now!”
“Drop Dead Gorgeous with Kirsten Dunst is absolutely one of the funniest, most underrated comedies that has ever been made!”
The Dressmaker (2015)
Universal Pictures
“Kate Winslet plays a woman who goes back to the town she was forced to leave as a child when she was accused of murder to seek revenge. Every element of the film is good from the plot to the costumes. Liam Hemsworth is also in the film.”
The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)
Warner Bros./Universal
“Hardly anyone I’ve met knows about it, which is a damn shame considering it’s peak Cohen brothers. It’s offbeat, it’s cheeky, it’s hilarious, and it’s one of the most elaborate riffs on A Christmas Carol I’ve ever seen.”
Rise of the Guardians (2012)
“Such an amazing movie. Makes me blub every time the little boy can finally see Jack Frost and the 3D is amazing. Yet it seemed to go totally under the radar! Tsh!”
Brick (2005)
Focus Features
“Hugely underrated indie movie starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It’s a modern film noir set in a high school. Joe find his ex girlfriend murdered in a tunnel and tries to figure out who would a have a motive to do so. It’s got the classic characters of a film noir: the flawed hero, the femme fatale, and the gangster. The visuals and the score are stunning and it’s really well-written and directed by Rian Johnson.”
13 Sins (2014)
Dimension Films
“13 Sins is a vastly underrated horror movie. It stars Mark Webber as a salesman who needs to make money for his pregnant wife and ends up in a phone-based game show that gets super dark super fast. There’s so many parallels to addiction and survival, and a lot of twists and turns that you don’t really see coming.”
The Edge of Seventeen (2016)
STX Entertainment
It’s one of the most honest coming-of-age stories. It makes you want to curl up in a ball and cry, but you never get the chance because the next second you’re laughing so hard you think you might pee your pants.
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
“Disney’s Atlantis never got enough credit. Such an interesting and mature plot for a ‘kids movie’. Great characters, settings, adventures, plots, mysteries, etc. And, though she isn’t an ~official Disney princess~, Kida is a strong role model for younger viewers!”
Trick (1999)
Fine Line Features
“It came out 20 years ago, and it’s the first gay rom-com I’ve ever seen. Christian Campbell melted my heart and Tori Spelling was EPIC! A must see for everyone… think a more adult Love, Simon.”
Wristcutters: a Love Story (2006)
Autonomous Films
“I know that the title is jarring but the script is genius and the dark humor is incredibly well-timed. The concept is really well-portrayed and the Russian guy is honestly one of my favorite characters ever.”
Brb, gonna go watch each and every one of these back-to-back.
ABC / Via giphy.com
Note: submissions have been edited for length and clarity.