Which Friends episode made the cut?!
“The Mom and Pop Store” (Seinfeld)
Season 6, Episode 8
The Macy’s Day Parade AND Jon Voight?! Now that’s a classic Thanksgiving. Bonus: This episode features the first appearance by THE Bryan Cranston as Tim Whatley.
Streaming on: Hulu
NBC / Via hulu.com
“Thanksgiving” (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Season 1, Episode 10
Watching co-workers spend a family-oriented holiday together is always fun. Bonus: Boyle Bingo.
Streaming on : Hulu
NBCUniversal Television Distribution / Via brooklyn99.wikia.com
“A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving” (Gilmore Girls)
Season 3, Episode 9
It’s strange that there’s really only one Thanksgiving-focused episode of Gilmore Girls, considering how much we associate it with Fall. It’s a fun one, though. Bonus: Sookie gets drunk.
Streaming on: Netflix
Warner Bros. Television Distribution / Via netflix.com
“The Gang Squashes Their Beefs” (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Season 9, Episode 10
The perfect episode for It’s Always Sunny fans, because it features all of the fan-favorite characters.
Streaming on: Netflix
20th Television / Via gabworthy.com
“Huangsgiving” (Fresh Off the Boat)
Season 2, Episode 8
Family shows own Thanksgiving, and this episode is no exception. Constance Wu is amazing, as always.
Streaming on: Hulu
20th Television / Via hulu.com
“An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal” (Bob’s Burgers)
Season 3, Episode 5
There are many great Thanksgiving episodes of Bob’s Burgers, but this one wins soley for Linda’s song.
Streaming on: Hulu
20th Television / Via bobs-burgers.wikia.com
“Thanksgiving” (That ’70s Show)
Season 1, Episode 9
The epitome of a classic sitcom Thanksgiving.
Streaming on: Netflix
Carsey-Werner Distribution / Via netflix.com
“The Miracle of Thanksgiving” (Full House)
Season 1, Episode 9
Grab your tissues, because this is an early Tanner tearjerker.
Streaming on: Hulu
Warner Bros. Television Distribution / Via playbuzz.com
“Thanksgiving” (The Mindy Project)
Season 1, Episode 6
Running into a former blind date at Thanksgiving dinner would be a literal nightmare. Bonus: Ed Helms guest stars.
Streaming on: Hulu
Hulu / Via blastmagazine.com
“Moveable Feast: Parts 1 & 2” (Will & Grace)
Season 4, Episodes 9 & 10
The gang goes to each of their family’s households for the holidays and there are SO MANY GUEST STARS.
Streaming on: Hulu
NBC / Via nbc.com
“Thanksgiving Orphans” (Cheers)
Season 5, Episode 9
This is one of the greatest Cheers episodes in existence. Bonus: It’s the closest we ever get to seeing Vera.
Streaming on: Netflix
NBC / Via memorabletv.com
“Parents” (New Girl)
Season 2, Episode 8
Not only does Jess try to pull a “Parent Trap” but her folks are played by Jamie Lee Curtis and Rob Reiner.
Streaming on: Netflix
20th Century / Via newgirl.wikia.com
“Shibboleth” (The West Wing)
Season 2, Episode 8
Even if you’ve never seen The West Wing (which is crazy, get on it) the moment between Charlie and President Bartlet WILL make you cry. Bonus: Allison Janney is hysterical.
Streaming on: Netflix
Warner Bros. Television Distribution / Via netflix.com
“Thanksgiving” (Master of None)
Season 2, Episode 8
All you need to know about this episode is that it won a damn Emmy!
Streaming on: Netflix
Netflix / Via themarysue.com
“Pangs” (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Season 4, Episode 8
Buffy attempts to cook Thanksgiving dinner and things go hilariously awry. Bonus: Xander gets the “funny syphilis,” which they love referring to in later episodes.
Streaming on: Hulu
20th Television / Via douxreviews.com
“My Day Off” (Scrubs)
Season 1, Episode 9
This is an early example of how great the Scrubs relationships are. Bonus: It’s the first appearance by Michael McDonald (from MADtv, not the musician).
Streaming on: Hulu
Buena Vista Television / Via hulu.com
“A Lilith Thanksgiving” (Frasier)
Season 4, Episode 7
Every Lilith episode is worth watching, but this one is especially fun. Only complaint: They fly all the way to Boston and don’t swing by Cheers.
Streaming on: Netflix
NBC / Via sitcomsonline.com
“Indian Takers” (Arrested Development)
Season 4, Episode 3
While this isn’t ~technically~ a Thanksgiving episode, watching the Fünkes attempt a Thanksgiving dinner will make you feel MUCH better about your family situation.
Streaming on: Netflix
Netflix / Via arresteddevelopment.wikia.com
“Auntsgiving” (Black-ish)
Season 3, Episode 7
Another family-fueled Thanksgiving, but with the twist of an unexpected guest. Bonus: Lorraine Toussaint is excellent.
Streaming on: Hulu
Disney–ABC Domestic Television / Via tvguide.com
“Slapsgiving” (How I Met Your Mother)
Season 3, Episode 9
No matter how you feel about this show, this episode is a Thanksgiving staple. Bonus: The slapping, obviously.
Streaming on: Netflix
CBS / Via bustle.com
“We Gather Together” (Roseanne)
Season 2, Episode 9
The Connors know how to showcase a relatable Thanksgiving. Bonus: It’s only the second episode to feature Estelle Parsons, who is THE BEST.
Streaming on: Amazon
Viacom Enterprises / Via seasons-screenings.blogspot.com
“Black Friday” (South Park)
Season 17, Episode 7
Intense holiday shopping AND Game of Thrones? Super relatable.
Streaming on: Hulu
Comedy Central / Via southpark.cc.com
“The Un-Underground Movie” (The Brady Bunch)
Season 2, Episode 4
If you’re feeling super nostalgic this holiday season, give this episode a try. Spoiler Alert: Everything turns out fine.
Streaming on: Hulu
CBS Television Distribution / Via cbs.com
“Fucksgiving” (Orange is the New Black)
Season 1, Episode 9
Without a doubt, the best title on the list, this OITNB episode is perfect for #Vauseman shippers.
Streaming on: Netflix
Netflix / Via vulture.com
“The One With The Football” (Friends)
Season 3, Episode 9
Picking one Thanksgiving episode of Friends is basically impossible. Seriously, just watch them all. But “The One With The Football” doesn’t get enough credit. It captures the spirit of Friendsgiving while pinning brother against sister… which is what Thanksgiving is really all about.
Streaming on: Netflix
NBC / Via friends.wikia.com