Titus recreating Lemonade on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was the best tbh.
Warning: A year’s worth of TV spoilers ahead. Read at your own risk.
When Jon and Dany had sex right as we learned his true parentage on Game of Thrones.
When Ofglen was arrested on The Handmaid’s Tale and we watched her wordless struggle.
When Titus channeled his inner Beyoncé and recreated Lemonade on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.
Aimee Spinks / Outlander © 2017 Starz Entertainment, LLC
The forking crazy plot twist that ended the first season of The Good Place.
When Rick turned himself into “Pickle Rick” and beat the shit out of some bad guys on Rick and Morty.
Adult Swim
When Taystee spoke up for the inmates in hopes of bringing about change on Orange Is the New Black.
When The 100 did an unexpected six-year time jump and revealed that Clarke survived the death wave.
The CW
When Josh left Rebecca at the altar and she vowed to end him on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
The CW